Posted by: styleteks | January 14, 2009

Retail Accounting with Microsoft Dynamics RMS


Well, tax season is upon us again.  And, we’re ready to help you with automating the process of managing your books.

Many retailers express interest in performing Accounting Integration when purchasing a new Point of Sale System, but not everyone makes the purchase.  If you only made one technology purchase this year for your retail store this may be the very best one.

Accounting Integration provides you with the ability to link your financial application, like Quickbooks, with your Point of Sale System.  The Microsoft Retail Management System (Microsoft RMS) includes an Accounting Integration feature.  However, this feature must be properly configured in order to share your financial data stored in Microsoft RMS with the General Ledger Accounts within Quickbooks, for instance.

Performing Accounting Integration will save you hours of book keeping every month and will quickly pay for itself.  One of the best parts about integrating is the ability to post previous sales history into Quickbooks.  So, preparing your books for 2008 does not mean that you had to integrate before your first sale in 2008.

There are a few steps necessary in order to integrate Microsoft RMS with Quickbooks.  First, a detailed discovery is performed outlining all of the finanical data you wish to share with Quickbooks.  Inventory assets, tax liabilities, credit card fund deposits, gift card sales and liabilities, sales by department, and much more are taken into account.  Once we determine all of the necessary information to share with Quickbooks, Microsoft RMS and Quickbooks are linked and aligned properly to share this data everyday (or at whatever intervals you would like to share, aka post, your data.)

Accounting Integration with Microsoft RMS and Quickbooks is not a process that a retailer should venture into without the guidance of a Certified Microsoft Partner.  As a Partner, we are trained to ensure your data is handled properly and therefore does not adversely effect the integrity of your Quickbooks data.  However, you will be an integral part of the setup process, and you are thoroughly trained, so future changes may be handled internally at no additional expense.

So, if you looking to eliminate book keeping time and all the fees associated with managing your books every month, and the additional time and money spent on organizing your financials for your accountant every quarter then Accounting Integration may be the choice solution for you.

Contact us today for additional information.  Or, order this service online: Accounting Integration Pricing

Best Regards,

Chris Birchby
